Thursday, May 31, 2007

June Newsletter

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knitting photo provided by S Roggendorf

Next Quad-City Knitter’s Guild Meeting
Date: June 14, 2007
Time: 7 PM

Note from the President
I can't believe that Memorial Day is past and so are most graduation parties. It is also WARM weather. A good time to work on smaller projects. With that in mind, the program for June will be two new ideas on what you can do with socks. We will also be needing volunteers for a nominating committee as this is an election year.
I hope to see you all there!

Cindy Weinberger

June Program:
Two new ideas on what you can do with socks.

On-going Guild Projects
-Caps for Kids
-Afghan squares for community blankets.

Events In The Area
Fairs: The Rock Island County Fair will be 7/17– 7/21/07. The Mississippi Valley Fair will be 7/31-8/5/07. Heritage Days will be 8/3 and 8/4. Please see your newsletters for further details.

Fiber Art Show: The Fiber Arts show will be held on Friday, 9/28 and Saturday, 9/29/2007, at Butterworth Center. Everyone should be thinking about items to display at the show.

For more information on last month's meeting and minutes, please see your newsletters for details.

Important Information
-The first three (3) meetings are free of charge.
-Dues are $15 per year; free newsletter.

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Suggestions? Comments? Go to our profile page and send us an email!