Monday, March 2, 2009
March 2009
*photo provided by S Roggendorf
Next Quad-City Knitter’s Guild Meeting
Date: MARCH 12, 2009, 7pm
Place: Bettendorf Library
DISCLAIMER: This is not the full newsletter, which is provided to guild members monthly. For more information about becoming a member, please see our contact information at the bottom of this post.
Note from the President:
I received a message that might be of interest to some of you. It is in regards to the International Fiber Collaborative. They have been working on an "interdependence" tree project. Participants have been using traditional methods as well as recycled materials such as potato chip bags, old shoes, wire, grocery bags, etc. There is a $500 Fiber Grant toward any artist/individual who uses textile in a traditional or non-traditional way to further their artwork. Sculptors, Photographers, Fiber, Ceramics and Mixed Media artists are welcome. The deadline for submissions is March 15th. To see other leaves, go to their website. The address for them is here.
I really enjoyed double knitting at the February meeting! It reminded me that I bought yarn years ago to try making a double knitted cardigan. If I can remember what it was maybe I could get it done for next winter.
See you all at the meeting!
C.Weinberger, President
Program: No structured program this month. A sit and knit and enjoy each others company. Maybe a surprise or two so always bring some practice yarn to guild, you never know what might pop up.
Quad City Knitters Guild Meeting February 12th 2009
CASI/Plus 60: N. said that the two organizations are going to have an exhibit again in April. Entrants must be a member of one of the two organizations. Everyone may drop off items at CASI on April 3rd between 12 noon and 3 PM. They will have membership applications available at that time. N. wanted to make sure that everyone knew about this enough in advance, so that the members could make something to show. J. Wagner will judge again. Items will be on display during the month of April. A reception will be on April 25th and there will be comments by the judges. J. Masat volunteered to bring entry forms to the next meeting.
Presentation: J. Wagner taught double knitting.
Respectfully submitted by S. Traver, Secretary
Web Site:
If you would like to receive your newsletter electronically, send your email address to our guild e-mail: qcknit AT gmail DOT com
Suggestions? Comments?
Contact us at qcknit AT gmail DOT com
The Quad Cities Knitters Guild meets on the second (2nd) Thursday of the month at the Bettendorf Public Library Information Center (2950 Learning Campus Drive), 7:00 PM.