Monday, October 8, 2007
October Newsletter - 2007
photo supplied by S Roggendorf
Next Quad-City Knitter’s Guild Meeting
Date: October 11, 2007
Time: 7 PM
Place: Bettendorf Public Library
Note from the President
By the time you read this, the show will be behind us. I think that we have been able to put together a nice display. Thank you to all who were able to enter items and help with the room sitting. Those who came through our room seemed interested and many picked up our information.
Our next meeting will be on October 11th at 7 pm. We will be back at the Bettendorf Library. There will not be a formal program, so bring your current projects to work on.
Also, since our treasurer was unable to attend the last meeting, we postponed collecting dues till this meeting.
Those attending the September meeting voted to retain the current board members for the next two years. Judy Wagner volunteered to help with programs and distributing the hats. Many thanks to Jan for opening her home for our September meeting!
The Sit and Knit will be on October 18th at Sharon's home beginning at 1 pm.
Quad City Knitter's Guild Board:
Cindy Weinberger, President
Jan Robinson, Vice President
Judy Masat, Treasurer
Sue Traver, Secretary
Cindy Weinberger
*Again, - please contact us at qcknit AT gmail DOT com if you have any questions or would like to participate in the above guild events.
October Program:
no program this month
On-going Guild Projects
-Caps for Kids
-Afghan squares for community blankets.
Events In The Area
None at this time
For more information on last month's meeting and minutes, please see your newsletters for details.
Important Information
-The first three (3) meetings are free of charge.
-Dues are $15 per year; free newsletter.
* * *
Suggestions? Comments? Go to our profile page and send us an email!