Thursday, April 5, 2007

April Newsletter

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knitting photo provided by S Roggendorf

Next Quad-City Knitter’s Guild Meeting
Date: April 12, 2007
Time: 7 PM

Note from the President - I think that the warm weather is getting me in the mood for spring. The grass is greening up and I have a hyacinth in bloom. I want to thank Judy Wagner for her program on two socks at once and sock heels. I was quite pleased with how they came together.

This month’s program will be knitting socks from the toe up. The cast-on Judy Masat will show us looked very smooth and comfortable. You should bring two circular needles (in different colors, if possible) and yarn to match.

The Sit “n Knit will be at my house on April 19 – drop us an email if you need further details.

I look forward to seeing you all!

Cindy Weinberger

April Program: Judy Masat will teach the Turkish cast on, which she used in making a pair of socks from the toe up. The cast on makes a very nice toe. She used the Vogue Knitting magazine from the Fall of 2005 to learn this technique.

For the program, members are to bring two circular needles of approximately the same size and worsted weight yarn.

On-going Guild Projects
-Caps for Kids
-Afghan squares for community blankets.

Events In The Area
Guild members - Sit and Knit on March 15. Please see your newsletters for further details.

For more information on last month's meeting and minutes, please see your newsletters for details.

Important Information
-The first three (3) meetings are free of charge.
-Dues are $15 per year; free newsletter.

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Suggestions? Comments? Go to our profile page and send us an email!